SPECIAL TOPICS COURSES*: Please call (347) 273-1290 for any questions and please sign up using the links below.
No more than 18 people at a time are permitted to attend the classes, ensuring more individualized training, except for the Psychopharmacology seminar.
Requirements: Participants must be licensed or have a limited permit as a psychologist, social worker, creative arts therapist, psychoanalysts CASACs, mental health counselor, psychiatrist, psychiatric nurse, or nurse practitioner, LMFT, or they must be currently enrolled in a licensure-qualifying graduate program.
* Certification as a Diplomate in Cognitive Therapy, by the Academy of Cognitive Therapy, requires didactic hours for the partial fulfillment of requirements. This level one course serves to fulfill 5 of the 40 hours (except for the Psychopharmacology course). Please note there are additional requirements for ACT certification. Please check www.academyofct.org for details.
February 11, 2018: Cognitive Therapy in Action: Skill Builder or Refresher Course (9:00 am- 3:00 pm) (5 CEs available)
FEE: $149 ($99 if registered by Feb. 1st)
Click to register: https://www.academeca.com/CEUReg/SeminarInfo.aspx?seminarId=2024
WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION: The workshop will serve as either a skill-builder or refresher course and will include the following: exploration of components of Cognitive Therapy (Beck's CBT), debunking various myths, understanding the cognitive model, application of case conceptualization and utility of techniques across a small sample of select disorders in order to serve as a glimpse into disorder-specific protocol. There will be demonstrations, and role play, and opportunity for some hands on exercises.
February 21, 2018: The Art of Socratic Questioning (9:00am-3:00pm) (5CEs available)
FEE: $149
Click to register: https://www.academeca.com/CEUReg/SeminarInfo.aspx?seminarId=1468
WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to enhance the skill of Socratic questioning for therapists. Essential to the style of Cognitive Therapy, Socratic questioning is involved throughout guided discovery processes. Instructional methods include hands on learning and demonstrations.
February 25, 2018: Introduction to Psychopharmacology for Therapists (9:00am-1:00pm) (4 CEs available, if desired 1 hour toward ACT required)
FEE: $149
Click to register: https://www.academeca.com/CEUReg/SeminarInfo.aspx?seminarId=2035
WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION: Psychopharmacology for Mental Health Practitioners. Speaker: Dr. Alexander Zverinskiy, MD., MHA with Dr. Constance J. Salhany, PhD, ACT
May 16, 2018: Cognitive Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (9:00am - 3:00pm) (5CEs available)
Must have prior training in Cognitive Therapy or instructor permission required
FEE: $149 (The low-cost fee for the course includes all handouts.)
Click to register: https://www.academeca.com/CEUReg/SeminarInfo.aspx?seminarId=2023
WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION: This workshop begins with an overview of Posttraumatic Stress and efficacy of various treatment approaches. It then focuses on Cognitive Processing Therapy, and highlights a specific protocol developed by Ehlers and Clark with a very high effect size (greater than 2 .5). The workshop includes demonstrations and an opportunity to practice skills
May 23, 2018: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety (9:00 am- 3:00 pm) (5CEs available)
FEE: $149
Click to register: https://www.academeca.com/CEUReg/SeminarInfo.aspx?seminarId=1484
WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION: Cognitive-behavioral principles for anxiety disorders will be explored in this course. Specific attention will be given to conceptualization and techniques for treatment of anxiety disorders in general. Special focus will be on generalized anxiety, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder.
June 6, 2018: Introduction to Cognitive Therapy (9:30am - 3:30pm) (5CEs available)
FEE: $149 (The low-cost fee for the course includes all handouts.)
Click to register: https://www.academeca.com/CEUReg/SeminarInfo.aspx?seminar
WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION: This course will include an overview of standard Cognitive Therapy, including rationale, components, cognitive model, style, structure, pacing, general concepts, applicability and case conceptualization (including core beliefs, underlying assumptions, and compensatory behaviors). Techniques for identifying and re-framing automatic thoughts for patients with depression will be demonstrated.